If you set a time limit on a snap, it will disappear after it’s viewed
It depends. However, recipients can take a screenshot of an image using their phones or a third-party screen-capture app. A phone screen-capture will notify the sender that the image was captured. For these reasons, it’s best that teens understand that nothing done online is really temporary.
Before sending a sexy or embarrassing snap of themselves or someone else, it’s important to remember that the picture could circulate the school by tomorrow morning
With a Snapstreaks, two users have snapped back and forth within a 24-hour period for three days in a row. Once you’ve established a streak, special emojis and statistics display next to the streakers’ names to show you how long you’ve maintained a streak. Why do they matter? For one thing, they add to your overall Snapchat score (basically a number that reflects how much you use the app). For another, they can occasionally become the most important thing in a kid’s life. Because of the intense bonds kids can form over social media, they can feel that a Snapstreak is a measure of their friendship, and if they don’t keep it up they’ll let the other person down.