ORIENTAL THEATRE (1853-1857) Bengal Harkaru of 7 April 1853 reported that the scholars and ex-students for the Oriental Seminary raised a sum of Rs. 800/- to set up the theatre at Garanhata, Chitpore for presenting Shakespeare’s has. The leaders incorporated Priyanath Dutt, Dinanath Ghosh, Sitaram Ghose, Keshab Chandra Ganguly and others. They grabbed some five months to organize in boring of Mr David Clinger, an English teacher at Madrassa and a co-employee of Sans Souci, and Mr Roberts and a girl known as Miss Ellis. Oriental theater was ready to accept the public against entry entry of Rs. 2 each, which that can be had of Messrs F W Brown & Co. and Baboo Woomesh Chunder Banerjee, Cashier, Spences Hotel.
JORASANKO NATYASALA (1854) this is once more a short-lived English theater, contemporaneous along with its neighbouring Oriental Theatre at Baranasi Ghose Street. Jorasanko Natyasla was actually a privately-owned theater of Babu Parry Mohan Bose however a aˆ?private theater’ as it practised admission by entry sold openly. On 3 will 1854, it staged Julius Caesar in English. At the conclusion of the season, Jorasanko Natyasala staged some works in Bengali as a result into the selling point of The Hindu Patriot (11 might 1854).
ALTERNATIVE PERSONAL DESHI THEATRES Besides these four theatres, there were even more short-lived exclusive theatres of good historic benefit which had done vernacular dramas with regional talents, like the Belgachia theater (1858-1861), Pathuriaghata theater (1859-1872), Sobhabazar Theatre (1865-1867), Jorasanko theater (of Tagores) (1865-1867).