However, when he says he didn’t have sexual relations with Monica Lewinski
– Pupil decoding was used by the ancient Chinese gem traders. They would observe the dilation of their buyers when negotiating prices to gauge whether to raise or lower the price 2 . Jade dealers of pre-Revolutionary China learned to counter and wore dark glasses to hide their dilated pupils when handed a valuable specimen of jade 5 .– During the Italian Renaissance, women drank belladonna berries (which are toxic, by the way) to dilate their pupils and make them look more attractive.– Nowadays, some tests show that expert card players win fewer games when opponents wear dark glasses. Rapid pupil dilation would indicate to the other player he should not bet on the next hand.
5 Eye Direction Body Language Gestures
A number of studies talk about the direction of eyes during lies. Typically, when people look up and to the right, they are lying or tapping into their imagination. When they look up and to the left, they are remembering or recalling something, tapping into the memory part of the brain.